About the Contribute category

Want to add more information or pictures to the scarf database? You can help!

How it work ?

Find Something Missing: Maybe you see a scarf color that’s not listed while you’re looking through the database. And you have a photo of it.
Share It: Start a new topic in the Contribute category. Put the scarf model name in the title. ex: Astrologie missing colorway
We Check It: An admin will take a look at your post. If it’s all good, we’ll add your info or picture to the database. Plus, we’ll make sure you get credit for your contribution.

You need to create an account to contribute.

Your contributions help us build the most accurate Hermès scarves database online. Thank you for being an essential part of our community.

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I Can’t find the database, ie all the scarves! Thank you

Hello and welcome.

The database is on the main domain.