Sous l'egide de mars

I have just bought a bundle of scarves and a Hermes was part of it, It has all the identification marks Pierre Marie signature Hermes with a c in a circle 100% Silk but it measures 52 x 52 Inches not 36 x 36 is this correct.

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Hermès makes some 140-cm square scarves ~ those would be 55” square. If your scarf is old and has been reshaped through wear, washing and ironing, it’s possible it might be 52”, although that’s a pretty large difference overall. H scarves aren’t always precisely 90 cm or 100 cm or 140 cm.


What concerns me is that I’m not sure H was making silks that large back when they were using the old “C in a circle” copyright mark.

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I have taken some photo’s

I hope this may help. Julia


Unfortunately I don’t own this design yet, so I can’t make a comparison. I would suggest the Facebook group called Hermès Scarf Collectors ~ lots of experts in the group who may be able to help you. Good luck! (PS ~ the care tag isn’t properly sewn on, but it’s not uncommon for people to remove the care tag for wearing the scarf, and then sew it back on again when they sell it.)

Hello @Smokeyj0e,

My experience being all personal (as already advised you should get other and more informed opinions to be quite sure), based on the pictures, it definitely looks genuine.

If it is not, it’s quite the craft :slight_smile: and really looks neat and lovely - if you don’t get a definitive answer, it’s most certainly worth wearing.

Here’s some complementary information about this design, if it can help you in your research: Châle Hermès « Sous l’égide de Mars » (FR but you can translate with Google)


Thank you for your advise I am seeking more advise and opinions but all you help is very useful and yes if I don’t get a definitive answer I shall gift to a friend who deserves a nice present.

It looks genuine to me as well! :blush: It seems there’s a 140 cm silk version and a silk & cashmere version in addition to the 90 cm version.

Thank you for your reply this is all really helpful, I really appreciate your time in assisting me.

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